Application to attend [six!] Summer Institute 2024
at Northwestern University, 16-21 June 2024
İlerleme durumunu kaydetmek için Google'da oturum açın Daha fazla bilgi
E-posta *
Due before midnight on March 20, 2024
What is your full name?
What is your email address?
In what graduate program are you currently enrolled in at University of Cologne, and in what year did you enroll?
Attending [six!] 2024 requires you to be on campus 16-21 June 2024. Can you commit to being on campus during these dates and, if admitted, that you will attend all activities? Only indicate "yes" if your participation will not impede any other obligations you have at UoC over the summer.
To prepare for the summer in-person meeting in Chicago, we will hold an online workshops for admitted students on 3 April from 15:00 - 16:30. Can you confirm that you will be able to attend this meeting?
Which [six!] seminar are you most interested in for the summer institute?
Seçimi temizle
What are your areas of research? Briefly list up to 6 areas/themes/approaches.
How could you benefit from attending [six!]? (write up to 150 words)
Formu temizle
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Bu içerik Google tarafından oluşturulmamış veya onaylanmamıştır. Kötüye Kullanımı Bildirme - Hizmet Şartları - Gizlilik Politikası