CUEMS Course Request Form: CPR/AED, Basic First Aid, "Stop the Bleed," and Alcohol Awareness
Cornell University EMS is pleased to provide a variety of training and educational programs to the Cornell community free-of-charge, in an effort to prepare bystanders to act in the event of a medical emergency. CUEMS offers regularly scheduled courses throughout the academic year taught by some of our own members who are trained Basic Life Support Instructors, certified by the American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI).  

ASHI Certification and training courses offered:
 - ASHI Adult/Child/Infant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
 - ASHI Automated External Defibrillator (AED) usage
 - ASHI Basic First Aid
 - Alcohol Awareness and Safety (educational presentation, only for group requests)
 - "Stop The Bleed" Training
 - Some combo courses

A weekly Adult CPR/AED Certification course is offered typically every Saturday of the academic year from 10 AM - 1 PM. If you are a Cornell affiliate and this is the only certification course you currently seek, you may choose to bypass this form and do the following:
 - Log onto CULearn ( using your NetID.
 - Select "Find a Course." In the search bar, type "EHS 5350 AED/CPR."
 - Search for a scheduled class on a date of your choosing, and select "Enroll."

If you are interested in other/additional courses, have questions for us, or wish to receive more information about upcoming classes we are holding, please complete the following form. Our Community Education Officer will respond as soon as possible ([email protected]). Thank you for your interest!
İlerleme durumunu kaydetmek için Google'da oturum açın Daha fazla bilgi
E-posta *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Affiliation to Cornell *
Our courses are open to the Cornell community only.
Type of Course Enrollment Request *
Select "Individual" if you are looking to enroll in an existing upcoming course. Select "Group" if you would like to register your group for a course.
Course(s) of Interest (Please check all that apply) *
If you selected "Group," Expected Number of People in Group
Number should include yourself, if applicable.
Preferred Course Dates *
IMPORTANT: Please aim for preferred dates that are AT LEAST 2 WEEKS from today to allow our Instructors an appropriate amount of time to plan ahead, and please offer multiple options, if possible. However, feel free to choose dates as far in advance as you would like.
Questions, Comments, and/or Additional Information?
Questions you have for us, special requests, and/or information you would like us to know.
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