Comment & Cosign Form:                               Supporting Asian+ Community in Physics and Astronomy
Dear friends,

Thank you very much for opening this form and for considering to comment or cosign our letter: 
Below are some comments regarding the letter:

This letter is to provide and ask for support for the Asian+ community. It is also to let Asian+ people know that we do care and that we are listening.

This letter is NOT to provide solutions to societal issues. Instead, we would like the readers to think for themselves the best ways to help the situation.

The language of the letter has been evaluated carefully by the editors to show a relatively neutral tone. This is a conscious decision; most of the editors are junior people, and we cannot predict the specific audience this letter may attract.

The editors know the risks of writing this letter and have spent a lot of time accessing its contents. We wish that you could help protect us, as it takes courage to voice these opinions publicly.

In addition, we avoided describing too many details of the violence and death. We believe providing the bare minimum information should provide sufficient motivation for the reader, and we welcome readers to learn more through the links we provide.

Finally, we are fully aware that the letter does not reflect everyone's opinion and is limited. We strongly ENCOURAGE YOU to make your own statements, or provide other support on this matter. We believe collectively we will be able to provide tremendous help to the situation.

Our goal is to be the voices for the ones we love, the ones we care for,  the ones who are hurting in these troubling times, and those who do not have the means to amplify their voices.

If you wish to support our effort, please cosign this letter by filling out the information in the form below:

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Do you wish to cosign this letter? *
Comments & Suggestions
Please contact Yu-Dai Tsai (, if you experience any technical issues.
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