Faculty Against the Interim Expressive Activity Policy
The following is a letter written to students by the core faculty of the Anthropology Department at Cornell. If you would like to sign on as a supporter of this letter, enter your name and affiliation below.

Dear students,

We write in response to your letter, and to say that we share your concerns about Cornell’s “Interim Expressive Activity Policy,” which places significant limitations on political speech across our campus. This policy also prescribes disciplinary action for members of our community who exercise the very rights to “free expression” that the University administration has asked us all to celebrate this year. At a moment that demands that we care more, not less, about each other and the world around us, the fact that the administration seems intent on intimidating students, staff, and faculty and discouraging us all from exercising basic rights is deeply troubling.

The administration claims to support protest as long as it does not “disrupt” university operations. There is an absurdity to this claim, given that the purpose of protest is precisely to disrupt—to disrupt routinization, to disrupt apathy, to foreground a problem. A non-disruptive protest is no protest at all. Even bracketing this core confusion, we question the administration’s singular right to determine which disruptions count as problems and which count as solutions. Police surveillance of peaceful protests, as well as apparent efforts to intimidate students by taking down their names and NetIDs for the purpose of disciplinary actions that may include barring them from campus, clearly disrupt the mission of the university. More fundamentally, our lives and work have already been disrupted by world events and by the University’s response to those events. Protests and other expressive activities should be seen as a course correction: a signal that something is profoundly wrong and needs to change. This critical engagement with the world is precisely aligned with Cornell’s core commitment to fostering a campus where we might work toward a more just society.

Even though the policy is “interim,” its punitive character has had a chilling effect across our campus. It has intensified the nervousness that students, faculty, and staff have been feeling for months around political expression. The messaging around the policy wrongly claims that it is largely a consolidation of existing rules: it is far from that. The regulation of outdoor protest is a significant shift and reverses a student- and faculty-led effort to ensure freedom of speech. More, the administration’s commitment to enforcing these policies is new in its intensity and especially concerning for its lack of clarity, which heightens the risk that it will be unevenly applied. We know the policy disproportionately threatens members of our community who are already vulnerable because of identity, legal status, precarious employment, doxxing, or repression from a range of outside entities, including private funders and governments abroad. We know that many of you are concerned about your visas, health insurance, living stipends, basic standing at Cornell, and the long-term implications of these measures for your ongoing studies.

We cannot predict what policies will eventually be set in stone, nor can we protect you from all possible reprisals, but we can tell you what kind of community we want to be. We want to be engaged in the world beyond our books. We want to interrogate the policies that structure life on campus. We want to disrupt injustices that have become routine. We want you to know that we value the traditions of student protest that have brought us so many rights that we now take for granted, including at Cornell: the occupation of Willard Straight that led to Africana Studies, the sit-in at Day Hall that built Latino Studies, the encampments across campus that urged divestment from South Africa's apartheid regime. And we want you to know that we will have your backs should you face disciplinary action for exercising your right to political expression—a right that we uplift in our department, as we affirmed in a public statement just last year. 

As faculty, we intend to act on these commitments: by being proactive in expressing our dissent about the Interim Policy and the repression of political speech across campus in general; by demanding accountability from all University bodies and cessation of intimidation by campus police; by promoting a departmental and campus climate that enables you to focus on your studies and that enhances your sense of belonging at Cornell; by counseling those of you who face disciplinary action as you interface with the administration; by testifying on your behalf at disciplinary hearings; by opening lines of communication not controlled by Cornell (we have already asked your AGSA representatives to collect alternate email addresses); and by being disruptive ourselves should any of you face suspension, expulsion, arrest, or other serious consequences for peaceful protesting.

We extend these same commitments to our departmental staff, who should not fear retaliation for their free expression—which University President Martha Pollack rightly calls an “indispensable condition” of life and work at Cornell University.

In solidarity,
Core Faculty of the Department of Anthropology

Signatories who Stand in Support:

Daniel Hirschman, Sociology
Russell Rickford, History
Julilly Kohler-Hausmann, History
Shimon Edelman, Psychology
Vanessa Gubbins, Romance Studies
Raymond Craib, History
Richard F Bensel, Government
Suman Seth, STS
Margaret Washington, History
Derek Chang, History & Asian American Studies
David Bateman, Government
Matthew Evangelista, Government
Mary P Brady, Literature in English
Eli Friedman, ILR School
Julia Mizutani, Law
Ainsley Rothschild , Cornell Cooperative Extention
Sarah Besky, ILR School
Caitlin Blanchfield , Architecture, Art, and Planning
Juan Manuel Aldape Muñoz, Performing and Media Arts
Christine Balance, Performing and Media Arts
Maria Gonzalez Pendas, Architecture, Art, and Planning
Chloe Wray, Society for the Humanities
Emma Campbell, Society for the Humanities
Esra Akcan, Architecture
Edward E. Baptist, History
Sarah Ann Wells, Society for the Humanities
Ruslan Yusupov, Society for the Humanities
Andrei Marmor, Law School
Harold Hodes, Philosophy
Sheri Johnson, Law School
Alexis Boyce , Asian American Studies
Emad Atiq, Law School & Philosophy
TJ Hinrichs, History
Mitchel Lasser, Law School
Chantal Thomas, Law School
David Shoemaker, Philosopy
Eric Tagliacozzo, History
Eric Cheyfitz , AIISP
Kadji Amin, Society for the Humanities
Mejdulene Shomali, Society for the Humanities
Reanna Esmail, Library
Paul Fleming, Society for the Humanities
Natalie Melas, Comparative Literature
Judith Byfield, History
Peter Caswell, Society for the Humanities
Parisa Vaziri, Comparative Literature
Ben Wrubel, Library
Mostafa Minawi, History
Risa Lieberwitz, ILR School
NoViolet Bulawayo, Creative Writing
Seema Golestaneh, Near Eastern Studies
James Hardwick, Law School
Catherine Wilmes, Architecture, Art, and Planning
Liliana Colanzi, Romance Studies
Beth Lyon, Law School
Jose Beduya, Library
Ambre Dromgoole, Africana
Eliza Bettinger, Library
Catherine M. Appert, Music
James Gross, ILR School
Lindsay Thomas, Literatures in English
Nick Admussen, Asian Studies
Ileen DeVault, ILR School
Allison Chatrchyan, Law School
Mayleen Cortez-Rodriguez, Applied Mathematics
Jane Juffer, FGSS and Department of Literatures in English
Iliana Burgos, Library
Andrew Hicks, Music and Medieval Studies
Angie Liao, ILR School
Caylyn Railey, Graduate student
Cat Lambert, Classics
Kate McCullough, English and FGSS
Juliana Hu Pegues, Literatures in English and Asian American Studies
Susan Buck-Morss, Government Emerita
Sandra Babcock, Law School
Patchen Markell, Government
Jane Glaubman, Lit in English
Liz Radman, Engineering
Elke Siegel, German Studies
Meagan Lord, ILR School
Kristan Reed, Department of Animal Science 
Audrey Lockett, Human Ecology
Tej Nagaraja, ILR School
Willow Starr, Philosophy
Erik Born, German Studies
Kim Haines-Eitzen, Near Eastern Studies
Marina Tadrous, Architecture, Art, and Planning
Irina Troconis, Romance Studies
Elizabeth Brundige, Law School
Juno Salazar Parreñas, STS and FGSS
Carlton Williams, Law School
Owen Marshall, STS
Cathy Caruth, Comparative Literature and English
Michael Lee, Literatures in English
Natasha Bishop, Library
Shannon Gleeson, ILR School
Maureen Morris    Library
Wayles Browne, Linguistics 
Affiliation *
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Seçimi temizle
Are you interested in doing more? The original version of this letter is slated to be published in the Cornell Daily Sun. The Sun also accepts Letters to the Editor that respond to published pieces. If you're interested in expressing support as an individual or department through a Letter to the Editor, instructions are here.
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