The Department of Performing and Media Arts is looking for the best student "dance films" to showcase at the DANCE FILM LAB on Friday April 19th 11am-12:30pm in the Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts, hosted by Shawn Bible, President of the Dance Films Association and executive producer of the Dance on Camera festival at Lincoln Center. 

Three cash prizes will be awarded to the best student dance films.

**Deadline: EOD Monday April 15th**

What's a "dance film"?
Short (1-5 mins)
Focuses on choreography and human movement not words
Can be experimental and non-narrative
Site-specific (get out of the dance studio!)

Can I shoot it on my phone?

Can I film a student dance group?

I'm in a student dance group and we're going to film ourselves. Is that okay?

Can I make a music video?
As long as it features dance!
(And no lip-sync)
E-posta *
What is your name? *
What is your NetID (if applicable) *
What is your major? *
What year are you? *
What is the title of your dance film? *
Write a single sentence description of your film. (Include the title(s) of the music and artist(s).) *
How many minutes long is it? (It must be under 5 min) *
Include a link here so we can watch it! (Test the link to be sure it is accessible.)
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